Payments can be completed using cryptocurrency
What's Spiral and why did we build it? 🤔
This application was made to inspire local businesses!
- As we are making transition to currency 2.0 (i.e) Digital cash, we personally believe that something needs to changed!
- Profit margin need to be increased so that local businesses can save up more
- We wanted to cut off middle man(BANK)! Therefore, we made it peer-to-peer instantaneous transaction
- We completely eliminated bank fees and the hardware use(credit card swiper, wires, and other electronics)
What can user do by using Spiral
- User can insert items in the system; categories, item name, and price tag on dashboard
- User can edit or clear items from their cart
- User can use the form of Payments, Bitcoin options available
- Check the live crypto market price
- Use would have to scan the QR Code to submit transaction
- User can view Transactions history (complete,incomplete, and pending).
API's Used
- Precision transaction was made by calculating the payments with latest crypto price; CryptoCompare
Technology Stack
- DB: Postgresql
- Server: Express.js
- Node.js
- Framework: React Native
- State Management: Redux
Getting Started
exp start
npm install
exp ios (iOS version)
exp android (Android version)
For any other questions about this repo in general please reach out to @mitulsavani, @ryanliszewski, thomashzhu on Github.
PS: Feel free to fork it if you find our app interesting.